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At the time of writing, the results of the second round of France’s snap parliamentary elections (7 July) were not yet in. The elections were triggered by the dissolution of the National Assembly, which itself followed on the heels of the shattering European elections for the presidential majority.

Published on July 2024

In less than two decades, climate change and its consequences have become a matter of the utmost urgency for Africa. We are the poorest, the most fragile, the least developed, and yet we are heavily impacted.

Published on June 2024



Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, head of Berlin's prestigious Haus der Kulturen der Welt, campaigns for authentically African art rooted in the continent and powerfully contemporary so that it can be part of the world. A frank and direct interview.

Published on August 2024

To coincide with the release of their truly historic compilation, meet a loving and iconic couple.

Published on August 2024

No longer the stuff of science fiction, the coastal corridor linking these two mega-cities, via Accra, Lomé and Cotonou, could have half a billion inhabitants by the end of the century. A giant urban territory, which raises countless questions, starting with logistics, transport, and energy.

Published on May 2024

In French

L’Afrique émet entre 3% et 9% des émissions carbone de la planète. Pourtant, les impacts sont déjà là. Inondations, chaleurs extrêmes, sécheresses, coûts humains et économiques, montée des océans… L’heure n’est plus uniquement au bilan, mais à la mise en place de solutions efficaces et à plus de justice internationale.

Published on June 2024

Dans le cadre du salon du livre d'Abidjan, un hommage a été rendu à BBY, avec l’annonce d’un prix à son nom.

Published on June 2024

Top stories

In Africa, 60% of the population are under 25. Born in the age of social media, they are connected to the world. They need training, jobs and a voice in the political process. Generation Z, frustrated by being all too often forced into unemployment or exile, is becoming aware of its power.

Published on September 2024

The Ivorian rapper has set the pace, mixing hip-hop beats with traditional rhythms. And he is in constant dialogue with a galvanised fanbase.

Published on September 2024

Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, head of Berlin's prestigious Haus der Kulturen der Welt, campaigns for authentically African art rooted in the continent and powerfully contemporary so that it can be part of the world. A frank and direct interview.

Published on August 2024

To coincide with the release of their truly historic compilation, meet a loving and iconic couple.

Published on August 2024

Business, new technologies, environment, sciences, arts and culture, media, politics as well… They represent a new African generation of doers of all ages, confident, connected both to the continent and the global world. Here are twenty portraits of these iconic personalities, who inspire thousands of others!

Published on August 2024

Every child has the right to education, but this can be a challenge for a child born in Ethiopia, a country of approximately 126.5 million inhabitants located in the Horn of Africa. Acquiring an education in Ethiopia can be hindered by a number of barriers, including conflict in the North, poverty across the country, difficult terrain, and impacts of climate change.

Published on August 2024


The Senegalese singer has followed up his promising debut album with ‘Passeport’, a groovy, socially conscious album.

Published on July 2024

Witnessing the magic of the great migration, which brings the Tanzanian plains to life every year, is an unforgettable experience.

Published on May 2024

First discovered on The Voice, this young French singer of Ivorian descent is making a name for herself with her promising second EP, Autolyse.

Published on May 2024

Following a few seasons of reflection, British jazzman Shabaka Hutchings has released a debut album, both solo and collaborative, of rare contemplative beauty.

Published on May 2024

Not only prolific but committed too, the Ivorian artist is back with an album featuring acoustic versions of his own compositions. A genuine triumph!

AM: It's no easy task, revisiting songs from your own repertoire, from ‘Plus rien ne m'étonne’ to ‘Justice’.


Published on May 2024

He describes himself as a Frenchman of West African descent and he's imposed his style on the culinary scene in Paris, the world's most demanding gastronomic capital. Interview with a Michelin-star chef of boundless creativity, who has made multiculturalism and fusion his trademarks.

Published on April 2024

Business & development

By 2030, Africa will be producing half a million tonnes of "white gold", which is twelve times more than it does currently. Producer countries are looking to locally refine this "white gold", which is the linchpin of our energy transition, to carve out a niche for themselves in a highly strategic value chain.

Published on July 2024

The objective is to become fully involved in promoting sustainable human development, both in Morocco and in the regions of the global South, through skills development and knowledge sharing.

Published on June 2024

Massive investments by the Emirates and Saudi Arabia are providing temporary relief for an economy in crisis. But there is widespread resistance to what many see as a selling-off of assets.

Published on May 2024

While the price of this safe-haven commodity continues to rise, there is little return for producer countries. Refining capacity is low and the informal sector still dominates. Ecowas recommends formalising artisanal and small-scale gold mining.

Published on April 2024

Considered for a long time to be a gold mine, they are now being called into question. COP28 in Dubai failed to reach agreement on their regulation. Some see them as a false solution, while others are signing agreements with African countries left and right.

Published on April 2024

The memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed between Addis Ababa and Somaliland on January 1st, granting Ethiopia 'autonomous' access to the sea, is reshaping strategic dynamics in an already delicate region. Aboubaker Omar Hadi delves into the competitiveness and medium-term aspirations of Djibouti's port infrastructure.

Published on January 2024


Youth, training, promotion of women, investment in human capital, health, education, transport… The objective is to fight poverty and propose a real model of inclusive growth.

Published on July 2024

Regional constraints and crises notwithstanding, the country is investing, imagining and preparing for tomorrow.

Published on June 2024

Firmly at the helm, President Bola Tinubu and his government are carrying out sweeping reforms to raise the bar and restore Nigeria to its rightful place as the continent’s leader.

Published on January 2024