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The objective is to become fully involved in promoting sustainable human development, both in Morocco and in the regions of the global South, through skills development and knowledge sharing.

Published on June 2024

Massive investments by the Emirates and Saudi Arabia are providing temporary relief for an economy in crisis. But there is widespread resistance to what many see as a selling-off of assets.

Published on May 2024

While the price of this safe-haven commodity continues to rise, there is little return for producer countries. Refining capacity is low and the informal sector still dominates. Ecowas recommends formalising artisanal and small-scale gold mining.

Published on April 2024

Considered for a long time to be a gold mine, they are now being called into question. COP28 in Dubai failed to reach agreement on their regulation. Some see them as a false solution, while others are signing agreements with African countries left and right.

Published on April 2024

The memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed between Addis Ababa and Somaliland on January 1st, granting Ethiopia 'autonomous' access to the sea, is reshaping strategic dynamics in an already delicate region. Aboubaker Omar Hadi delves into the competitiveness and medium-term aspirations of Djibouti's port infrastructure.

Published on January 2024

Global agriculture is at a crossroads. The planet is home to 8 billion people, a total which the UN predicts will rise to 10 billion by 2050. At the same time global food insecurity is rising due to the unprecedented rate of soil degradation and the increased frequency and severity of climate shocks, the pandemic, and regional conflicts. To keep humanity fed, farmers will have to nearly double their output. And it is possible to do just this while at the same time making a significant contribution to combatting climate change by rewarding farmers for increasing the amount of carbon stored in the soil they cultivate.

Published on September 2023

Recognized as a non-profit organization in the public interest, the OCP Foundation published its 2022 annual report in early May. Research and development (R&D), social innovation, food security: the phosphate and fertilizer giant’s foundation is active on all fronts, from Morocco to Madagascar.

Published on August 2023

A trailblazing protocol agreement to support 180,000 farmers with two programs

Published on August 2023

UM6P's first branch in sub-Saharan Africa will train young Ivorians in the agro- technology professions.

Published on August 2023