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750 million women

By Zyad Limam
Published on 18 March 2025 at 08h09

A crucial issue. The reality of women's lives, those of our partners, daughters and mothers, our colleagues... The daily lives of this half of our society, of 750 million African women. A crucial issue, at the core of our shared existence, often approached from a formal perspective, through the prism of the legal framework of reform, a political and administrative constructs that those in power (more often than not men) like to wield to assert the effectiveness of their work.

Now, in 2025, in the 21st century, sixty years after independence, the situation of African women continues to be especially difficult. Today, African women have, on average, more than four children in their lifetime (compared to a global average of 2.4). Today, despite legislation, gender equality, equal opportunities and equal pay remain distant goals. Customs, religion and traditions weigh heavily on social and public life, on the ability to make decisions, even in private spheres. Violence is greatly underestimated in the statistics.

It's a gloomy and unacceptable situation and yet, it only tells half the story. Ironically, Africa is also experiencing a women's revolution. On our continent, women are a powerful force for change and social progress. In rural areas, where discrimination is more deeply rooted, women produce up to 80% of the food and, without them, there can be no green revolution. Overall, women make up more than 60% of the continent's workforce. They are paid significantly less than men. However, they already own almost 30% of small and medium-sized enterprises and play a fundamental role in the informal sector. African women work, invest, hold positions in civil society, write, including global bestsellers, make films, sing and challenge the status quo. Some of them are engaged in an ambitious neo-feminist struggle. Others are involved in politics, they exercise power. There are also urban women, those from contemporary African metropolises. They are in touch with the real economy, with fashion and culture, connected to the wider world and social networks. Sexual independence, the freedom to choose, to say no or to say yes, is a major taboo, but is gaining ground.

African societies have entered, in one way or another, sometimes even reluctantly, into a dichotomy, a world of Yin and Yang. Emancipation is underway. Perhaps more than anywhere else, more than in Southeast Asia or Latin America. This is excellent news for the continent's emergence. The fight for equality has powerful socio-economic ramifications. Women's empowerment is key to productivity and growth. Working women are also consumers, investors and wealth creators. Women who work will have fewer children, and these children will be better raised, protected and educated, with a direct impact on human development over several generations. Working women bring a second income to families and households, purchasing power and the ability to save.

This strategic emancipation is happening in a multitude of ways. Very noticeably on a financial level - access to credit, innovative and inclusive financing, expansion of microfinance - and careerwise - opportunities in public office - and daily life -  strengthening of judicial frameworks, access to healthcare. But there is one aspect that remains vital, one on which we can act quickly and which is our collective responsibility. Education. According to UNESCO, around 35 million girls of primary and secondary school age do not attend school or leave the system too early. There are many reasons for this: the all too frequent occurrence of early marriages and archaic sociocultural norms that favour the education of boys. In higher education, where young women should be preparing for future careers, they represent only 10% to 12% of enrolments. With notable exceptions, such as Tunisia (60%) and Morocco (40% to 50%).

Africa's women are many, diverse, fragile and... still waiting. But they are the bearers of a certainty. There will be no emergence without Africa's 750 million women citizens. It is not an option. Despite what some men may say (thankfully in dwindling numbers…).