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Privacy Policy

The website, and its mobile application, are operated by AM International, a simplified joint-stock company, with a capital of €768,200, whose head office is located at 31, rue Poussin 75016 Paris and registered with the RCS. Paris under the number 337.662.217, having the quality of data controller or co-controller within the meaning of the regulations on personal data, in particular the General Regulation (EU) n ° 2016-679 on the Protection of Personal Data natural persons (GDPR).

1. What personal data is processed ?

The personal data concerning you collected and processed are mainly, depending on the Site services used, your choices and the configuration of your terminal (in particular in relation to cookies and other tracers): your surname, first name, title, email address, postal address, telephone number, date of birth, information relating to your professional life, comments, your order and product selection history, your preferences and areas of interest, as well as your connection logs.

We may allow you to share information relating to our Services on the websites (in their fixed or mobile version, including the corresponding applications) of social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), in particular via the buttons sharing. We remind you that access to these Social Networks requires your acceptance of their contractual conditions containing provisions relating to the Personal Data Regulations for the processing carried out by them, independently of our pages on the said Social Networks.

To find out more about the protection of your Personal Data when browsing these Social Networks, we invite you to consult their respective privacy policies.



3. Why do we collect your personal data ?

  • Create and manage your user account; Create and manage your subscription;
  • Allow you to comment on our publications and use our interactive services;

  • Provide you with content and advertising tailored to your areas of interest;

  • Allow you to access our content;

  • Allow you to access our content;

  • Allow you to participate in the services and activities offered by Afrique Magazine or our partners;

  • Ensure the security of online transactions, prevent fraud and payment incidents;

  • Manage and optimize customer relations;

  • Send you information about our offers, news and events (newsletters, alerts, invitations and other publications), in particular by means of campaigns on social networks;

  • Subject to your prior consent: allow our partner companies and associations to send you information about our offers, news and events (newsletters, invitations and other publications);

  • Keep you informed of exam results

  • Manage your possible participation in a competition, quiz, challenges and tests;

  • Manage the publication of legal notices​​​​​​​

  • Manage the publication of public procurement announcements

  • Produce statistics and audience measurements.

  • The Data essential to Afrique Magazine to fulfill the purposes described above are indicated by an asterisk on the various pages of the Site.

4. To whom do we transmit your personal data ?

En tant que responsable de traitement, la société AM International peut être amenée à transmettre vos données personnelles à (i) des sous-traitants éventuels pour des raisons exclusivement techniques et logistiques (prestataires d'hébergement et de maintenance du Site, prestataires de paiement et de gestion de la fraude, modérateurs, prestataires de gestion de bases de données), (ii) des coresponsables de traitement dont l’identité est indiquée préalablement à chaque traitement et (iii) des tiers en cas de restructuration de notre société, y compris cession totale ou partielle d'actifs, fusion, absorption acquisition, scission et plus généralement toute opération de réorganisation. Vos Données pourront être utilisées à des fins de gestion et d’optimisation de la relation clientèle ainsi que, sauf opposition de votre part, à des fins d’envoi d’informations sur les offres et actualités d’Afrique Magazine, notamment au moyen de campagnes publicitaires sur les réseaux sociaux. Les sociétés de réseaux sociaux et les prestataires routeurs d’emailing peuvent donc être destinataires de vos Données. Nos partenaires de mesures d’audience et d’amélioration des contenus publicitaires peuvent également être destinataires de vos Données. Enfin, la société AM International pourra être amenée à communiquer à des tiers vos Données lorsqu’une telle communication est requise par la loi, une disposition réglementaire ou une décision judiciaire, ou si cette communication est nécessaire pour assurer la protection et la défense de ses droits.​​​​​​​

5. Transfers of data outside the European Union The recipients of your Data may be located abroad, including outside the European Economic Area.

Any transfer of your Data outside the European Economic Area is carried out subject to appropriate guarantees, in particular contractual, in accordance with the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data. A copy of the guarantees implemented by AM International can be communicated on simple request addressed to

​​​​​​​6.What are your rights ?

In accordance with the regulations in force, you have the right to access and rectify your Data, as well as the right to request their erasure, to oppose their processing and to obtain the limitation or portability to the extent applicable. You can also object to your Data being used for the purpose of establishing your customer profile; in this case, you will no longer be able to benefit from personalized offers or services. These rights can be exercised directly with AM International by e-mail at the following address: You may be asked for proof of identity. In addition, you can at any time request to no longer receive our communications relating to our offers, news and events by using the hypertext link provided for this purpose in each email that we send you. You can also reach us by telephone by calling (33) 1 53 84 41 81 Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. or by simple mail to the address 31, rue Poussin 75016 Paris.

7. How long do we keep your personal data ?

Data relating to the creation of your user account and your subscription will be kept by AM International for a period not exceeding the applicable legal limitation periods, i.e. 5 years from the end of the contractual relationship or inactivity. of your user account. At the end of this period, this Data (i) will be archived for accounting and probationary purposes during the applicable legal limitation periods or (ii) will be destroyed if the said periods have expired. In the event that we collect bank data, these will be kept securely for the duration necessary for the validation of your order and payment and will then be deleted in accordance with the regulations applicable with regard to the purposes pursued. For the purposes of managing complaints, your Data may be kept for the purposes of proof in an intermediate archive. The Data used for the purpose of sending communications relating to offers, news and events offered by AM International will be kept for a period of three (3) years from their collection or your last contact with Afrique Magazine. At the end of this period, AM International may contact you again to find out if you wish to continue to receive our communications relating to our offers, news and events. Your Data will also be destroyed as soon as possible from your unsubscribe request. Finally, the connection logs collected, subject to your agreement, in the context of cookies and other tracers set up on our Site, will be kept in accordance with the applicable regulations for a period not exceeding thirteen (13) months.​​​​​​

8. Contact details of the Data Protection Officer (DPO) and right to lodge a complaint

For any questions related to the collection and processing of your Data by AM International or the exercise of your rights, you can contact AM International's data protection officer by email at the following addresses: also have the right to refer to the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), 3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07, any complaint relating to the way in which AM International collects and processes your Data.