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The new leaders

Hanane Mourchid

By Zyad Limam - Publié le 12 August 2024 à 18h05

An engineer committed to sustainability and food sovereignty.


Hanane Mourchid, a chemical engineer, works for OCP, a major Moroccan corporation and one of the world's leading producers of phosphate fertilisers. She is living proof that a woman can sidestep the stereotypes to succeed in what are traditionally considered to be male professions. More importantly, she is a recognised specialist in sustainable development policies for industry. The production of fertilisers, which is essential to agriculture, requires huge quantities of water and energy. Ammonia is also part of the process. Hence the almost existential importance of adapting to ecological challenges. As Executive Director of Sustainability and Green Development for the OCP Group, Hanane Mourchid is fully committed to her mission. By working on the issue of clean production, investing in technology, research and innovation, OCP is taking direct action on a crucial issue for a continent of more than 1.2 billion Africans. The issue of agricultural production and food sovereignty.